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I offer a Microchipping service for dogs and other small animals.

Microchipping your pet is the most reliable way to ensure they are identified and re-united with you should they ever get lost or stolen.

  For £12 per animal, a microchip will be implanted and it's unique ID number will be registered with your details on a central database.  Discounts can be offered for litters of puppies.

I have been trained to implant microchips by a Veterinarian during an official certified training course.


Frequently asked questions

What is a microchip?

A tiny, glass, inert capsule the size of a grain of rice containing a unique identification number linking you to you pet.

How does it work?

If the unthinkable happens and your pet is lost - a vet, rescue centre or dog warden will use a small hand-held scanner to detect the microchip number.  This number is registered with a national central database.  They will confirm your contact details and you will be reunited with your pet.

Where is the microchip implanted? Usually, under the skin between the shoulder blades.

How long will it take to implant the microchip?

Just a few moments!  In fact, by the time you complete the registration form, your pet will be protected by the latest I.D. technology.

How long does the registration last?

Your pet is registered for life.

Can all scanners read the microchip?

The microchips use the latest technology standards (FDX-B) and can be scanned by all ISO scanners.

Travel plans?

If you plan to travel with your pets abroad, your pet must have a microchip in order to comply with the regulations.

Is it a legal requirement to microchip my pet?

Since 2016 it has been a legal requirement for dogs to have a microchip in the UK.

